Crane District Awarded Farm Fresh Challenge Award

Congratulations to the Crane School Nutrition Department for being recognized as a Copper Award recipient in the Farm Fresh Challenge from the Arizona Department of Education, Health & Nutrition Services Division.
As a Copper Award "Taste Arizona" recipient, participating school districts were required to serve a minimum of three locally sourced meal components that fit the criteria required of School Food Authorities (SFAs) and/or Summer Food Service Program (SFSP/SSO). 
Additional criteria for Copper Award:
  • Two or more of the three components can come from fruits and vegetables.
  • One of three meal components can come from fluid milk.
The copper standard is designed to help School Food Authorities hit an easy-to-reach standard. Fluid milk along with fresh fruits and vegetables are a common first step for buy-local menus. 
Common motivators for Sourcing Local Food: 
1. Students like the food.
2. The price is within school spending range.
3. Purchase of food from local farmers is beneficial to them and the community. 
We have the BEST school nutrition staff members at our schools! We're so proud of all they do each and every day to provide our students with delicious, healthy, and nutritious meal options. A tremendous thank you to School Nutrition Director Michael Clark for his efforts to provide quality meals to our students while helping out the local and state community.
#FarmFreshChallenge #DeliciousANDNutritiousMeals #LeadersInNutrition #WhyCrane #WeAreCrane